To really understand what the Phaser class does and why it is useful and how it is different from CountDownLatch, Cyclic Barrier and what problem it is going to solve. Let have a short review of each synchronizers in terms of
Phaser is a useful feature when few independent threads have to work in phases to complete a task. So, a synchronization point is needed for the threads to work on a part of a task, wait for others to complete other part of the task, and do a sync-up before advancing to complete the next part of the task.
Before going for an example, have a look on how Phaser do the registration and Synchronization. There are also other step involved in Phaser such as Termination, Tiering and Monitoring, which we look later may after some time.
Registration : Unlike the case for other barriers, the number of parties registered to synchronize on a phaser may vary over time. Tasks may be registered at any time (using methods register(), bulkRegister(int), or forms of constructors establishing initial numbers of parties), and optionally deregistered upon any arrival (using arriveAndDeregister()).
Synchronization : Like a CyclicBarrier, a Phaser may be repeatedly awaited. Method arriveAndAwaitAdvance() has effect analogous to CyclicBarrier.await. Each generation of a phaser has an associated phase number.The phase number starts at zero, and advances when all parties arrive at the phaser, wrapping around to zero after reaching Integer.MAX_VALUE
Methods in Phaser class
Let take an example of processing a delivery order in coffee shop. Assume there are 3 workers: a cook, a waiter, an attendent. To simlify this problem assume each delivery of order consist of 3 food items. Completing a delivery order consists of preparing the three orders one after another. To complete preparing a food item, all three workers—the cook, the helper, and the attendant—should do their part of the work.
- Number of parties : Number of parties is another way of saying number of different threads
- Reusable : It means you don't have to create a new instance of the barrier ( i.e, Countdownlatch cyclic barrier, Phaser) before reusing.
- Advanceable : It means a thread can arrive and continue doing work without waiting for others threads or without waiting for all threads to complete
- Fixed number of parties
- Not reusable as you have to create another CountDownLatch for each synchronize point
- It is Advanceable as latch.countDown() do the advance and latch.await() do the waiting part
- Fixed number of parties.
- Reusable that how it differ from CountDownLatch but all threads must wait for each party to arrive at the barrier.
- Not advanceable
- Dynamic number of parties
- Reusable
- Advanceable : phaser.arrive() that how it advance
Phaser is a useful feature when few independent threads have to work in phases to complete a task. So, a synchronization point is needed for the threads to work on a part of a task, wait for others to complete other part of the task, and do a sync-up before advancing to complete the next part of the task.
Before going for an example, have a look on how Phaser do the registration and Synchronization. There are also other step involved in Phaser such as Termination, Tiering and Monitoring, which we look later may after some time.
Registration : Unlike the case for other barriers, the number of parties registered to synchronize on a phaser may vary over time. Tasks may be registered at any time (using methods register(), bulkRegister(int), or forms of constructors establishing initial numbers of parties), and optionally deregistered upon any arrival (using arriveAndDeregister()).
Synchronization : Like a CyclicBarrier, a Phaser may be repeatedly awaited. Method arriveAndAwaitAdvance() has effect analogous to CyclicBarrier.await. Each generation of a phaser has an associated phase number.The phase number starts at zero, and advances when all parties arrive at the phaser, wrapping around to zero after reaching Integer.MAX_VALUE
Methods in Phaser class
a Phaser object with a given number of threads (parties) to arrive
to advance to the next stage; the initial phase is set to 0.
a new thread (party) to this Phaser object. Returns the phase
current number. Throws an IllegalStateException if the maximum
supported parties are already registered.
numThreads of unarrived parties to this Phaser object. Returns the
phase current number. Throws an IllegalStateException if
maximum supported parties are already registered
at this phase without waiting for other threads to arrive. Returns
the arrival phase number. Can throw an IllegalStateException.
as the previous method, but also deregisters from the Phaser
at this phase and waits (i.e., blocks) until other threads arrive
(i.e., blocks) until this Phaser object advances to the given
phase value.
the number of threads (parties) registered with this Phaser
the number of threads (parties) arrived at the current phase of
the Phaser object
the number of threads (parties) that have not arrived when
compared to the registered parties at the current phase of the
Phaser object
Let take an example of processing a delivery order in coffee shop. Assume there are 3 workers: a cook, a waiter, an attendent. To simlify this problem assume each delivery of order consist of 3 food items. Completing a delivery order consists of preparing the three orders one after another. To complete preparing a food item, all three workers—the cook, the helper, and the attendant—should do their part of the work.
Sample Output
Starting to process the order.
cook doing this work for order 1
attendent doing this work for order 1
waiter doing this work for order 1
order 1 completed
attendent doing this work for order 2
cook doing this work for order 2
waiter doing this work for order 2
order 2 completed
attendent doing this work for order 3
cook doing this work for order 3
waiter doing this work for order 3
order 3 completed
Process completed
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